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Crown of Lies World

Created with Artbreeder by the author of Crown of Lies

Arcadian Countries

Arcadian Countries



Demonym: Jorthian (Jore-thee-an)


Major Settlements: Carayth, Flrun, Lorlan,

Fort Lyonus, Jarnel, Farlenfell, Onk Mine



Demonym: Flokalan (Flow-cal-an)

Major Settlements: Crant, Dornal,

Port Harr, Fort Kranus 



Demonym: None, only the librarians or

preceptors (at the college)

Major Settlements: Port Lasfaet, College Of Healos,

Great Library Citadel



Demonym: Lomalie (Lom-aye-ly)

Major Settlements: Eoan Citadel,




Demonym: Trilain (Tree-lay-in)

Major Settlements: Aeolus (Eh-oh-loose), Trickan,

Village Of A Thousand Eyes, Weststone



Demonym: Humans call them the Fae or Faeries 

Major Settlements: Daelin Castle, Woyldlan,

Flean Ruins, Daekil, Loelmell,

Laakar Stones, Rikanael


Disclaimer: This is an interpretation of some Celtic gods for the Crown Of Lies world. By no means are they meant to represent real-life interpretations and/or represent those that follow Celtic religions.

The Dagda

Dag in the Dead Lands

The Dagda is a druid-like chieftain of the gods.

His constort/wife is The Morrígan.

He is associated with strength, magic and wisdom.

The Morrígan

Badb in parts of the Dead Lands

The Morrígan is the goddess of war and fate, foretelling doom, death, and battle.

She encourages victory in battle and rewards brave warriors.

It is said she would be seen washing bloodied clothes of those fated to die.



Loughen in the Dead Lands

Lugh is a craftsman and with a mastery of skills.

He is also associated with legal aspects of life such as oaths, truth, and law. 



No name in the Dead Lands

Flidais is of ancient origin and is said to be the goddess of woodlands and wild things.


Nwan in the Dead Lands

Nuada is a hunting and fishing god. He is said to wield a great sword of light. 


Saengo in the Dead Lands

Aengus is the son of The Dagda and is associated with poetry, youth,

and love.



Also called Dritain in the Dead Lands

Brigid is a master at smithcraft, poetry, and healing.

She is also associated with fertility and spring.



Manona in the Dead Lands

Manannán is a trickster figure as well as being seen as a sea god. 

Dian Cecht

Morche in the Dead Lands

Dian Cecht is a god of healing.


Dagu in the Dead Lands

Goibniu is the god of hospitality and smithing.


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Created with Artbreeder 


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The children of magik are beings that were born as side-effects to the creation of existence. Some were less powerful than others, with the most powerful being the gods, Tuatha Dé Danann.

The great dragon Wyntrian is said to have birthed all other dragons and wyverns through courtship with one of the Sphinxes, Heraela.

All marine faeries are said to have been created by both the Tuatha Dé Danann and Leviathan. It is said that his only egg was blessed by the Tuatha Dé Danann to create Asrai king Croenyr Rael Sionpha. The witches and sorcerers were created by the Sphinxes.

- Leviathan The Sea Wyrm

- Wyntrian The Land Drake

- Tuatha Dé Danann (The gods)

- The Sphinxes (Masters of enigma and knowledge)

Children Of Magic
Elder Sidhe

The oldest and strongest faeries were created by the gods. They were sent to the realm of mortals called Gaia after residing in Arcadia for a time. The realm of Arcadia was home to the gods before they slipped into the fabric of reality in-between realms. For the gods were once mythical beings that dipped into the essence of life to become who they are to this day.

It is said that the Elder Sidhe were once like the gods before they harnessed the power of life. The Elder Sidhe created all other faeries with permission from The Dagda. Only the chief god could help them wield magik in this way.

List of Elder Sidhe:

- Oberon Eilc Stagthorne, Titania Cothrom Faelenstaer, Jaegon Rhido Tuathsun, Mab Wylda Colastae, Marea Bátha Lecheile

- Croenyr Rael Sionpha (Not a Sidhe but associated with the Elder Sidhe or a lesser Child of Magik)

The fae choose their names carefully. Names hold power in this world and if one learns the full true name of a faerie he/she could harness that faerie’s power and control them through an ancient magik that binds the faerie to the name. All three names must be known for true control. If a faerie is expecting a healthy faeling they will only reveal the first name to the world, but the middle and surname will be kept private within the family.

A male-born faerie will always have the ending surname of their male parent as the ending of their given surname, for example, If a faerie is called “Drokun Fislean” his male son will have a surname ending in “lean”, such as “Driol Skinlean”. Daughters will inherit their mother's name except the last part will be first, for example, if the mother is called “Flore Rukael” the daughter will be called "Sora Aelona”.


The changes in their name will be based on solar events, natural environments, or stark characteristics. 

The middle name is whispered to the faeling at birth and the name will be branded to his/her soul. Once whispered, the name will leave the mind of the parent and only be known by the faeling for the remainder of its life. Once deceased, the full name of a faerie will appear on the walls of the cave of life to serve as a permanent family tree of sorts. This cave is said to stretch between realms, only accessible by the gods and those with pure intentions.

Faerie Naming

Seelie Court

The Seelie Court is seen as more benevolent towards mortal humans. Kinder but not always good-natured. A faerie belonging to this court will seek retribution from insults/ill-manners and will cause mischief.

Unseelie Court

The Unseelie are malicious fairies. They like to commit wicked crimes but are not always evil. They will often prefer to hinder/harm/deceive rather than help.


Cold Court

These faeries have kinder sides than those belonging to another court and return great favours. These fae are strong, mystical, eerie, standoffish, and extremely loyal to their own but can be devious and love to play games.


Bright Court

The fae of this court are generally polite and bright-eyed and curious. These faeries are seductive and more emotional than any of the other courts. They are known as keepers of knowledge and loyal to the Seelie King.


Dark Court

The fae of this court frown upon humans and brighter faeries. They like to keep to their own and often are described as baleful, logical, and sensible. They are undoubtedly loyal to the Unseelie Queen.

The Courts
Faerie Way Of Life

Faerie time is different from Earth/Gaia time. Magik causes time to be more fluid. For example, one may step into Arcadia for a few minutes while a century has passed in Gaia or vice versa.

When faeries speak, they mean everything they say at that moment. The tongue holds power so be careful what you say and listen closely to them because they may be saying more than they let on.

They are masters of manipulation. They will twist your words and generally make you regret what you asked for.


Faerie contracts are binding but they are very good at finding loopholes. Faeries rarely make binding promises. For they would be risking their life.


Created with Artbreeder AI by the Author

© Alexandra Nicholson 2025

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